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May 22, 2014
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The Battle of Kulm.
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General (6)
Battle Scenes depicted in moving pictures before C.G.I.
General Baron Nicholas – Philippe Guye
Guest Book
Outdoor Wargames
Swiss Military Tactics
The US Cavalry
Terrain map
Roman (3)
‘The Fall of the Roman Empire’
Caradoc and the Romans
Julius Caesar
18th Century Battles (9)
The Battle Of Kolin
The Battle of Poltava
Observations on Classic accounts of The Battle of Blenheim 1704
The Battle of Oudenarde
The Battle of Malplaquet
The role of the Swiss at Malplaquet
The Battle of Fontenoy
The Battle of Lauffeldt
Virtual Tour of the Battlefield of Neerwinden
Napoleonic Wars (13)
The Battle of Austerlitz
The Battle of Heilsberg
More About Eylau
The Battle Of Eylau
The Battlefields of Aspern/Essling, Deutsch Wagram and Znaim.
1812 – The Turning Point
The Battle of Kulm.
The Battle of Dennewitz
The Battle of Craonne
The Battle of Laon
The Battle of Ligny
Battle Of Ligny – Order of Battle
Second Italian War of Independence (2)
The Battle of Solferino
Solferino – Order or Battle
American Civil War (3)
The Battle of Chattanooga
The Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Sharpsburg
Austro-Prussian War/1866 Campaign (12)
Bohemia 1866
The Battle of Podol
The Battle of Nachod
The Battle of Skalitz
The Battle of Trautenau
The Battle of Münchengrätz
The Battle of Gitschin
The Battle of Königgrätz Revisited
The Fighting in the Swiepwald Wood
Königgrätz – Order of Battle
The Battle of Königgrätz
Franco-Prussian War (5)
The Bourbaki Panorama.
The Battle of Spicheren
The Battles of Mars–la–Tour and Gravelotte/St Privat.
Mars la Tour – Postcards from the collection of Jean Francois Risi
The von Blumenthal Family at Gravelotte
Second Boer War (1)
The British Army and the Second Boer War.
Sino-Japanese War (1)
The Siege of Port Arthur