Battlefield Anomalies – Home

More Books – Eylau: Myth and Propaganda.

May 2024: We are now proud to announce another title in our series of books. The two web articles on Eylau have been combined into a single book: ‘Eylau: Myth and Propaganda’ which is available as a paperback through Amazon and other good bookshops. We have also updated our Amazon page to include all current books:

Or visit our Amazon books page. While these books are based on the articles in this site, the text is considerably expanded and maps and drawings greatly enhanced to give a greater reading experience. Why not buy two titles to take advantage of Amazon’s free postage? Contact Graymo if you would like to buy any books in bulk for teaching or resale.

Let us know if there are other titles you would like to see in print.

Battle of Kulm –   book now available

Following a number of requests, this article has been extensively revised and is now available as a printed as a 132 page softback book available through Amazon. We hope to expand our range of publications to take advantage of Amazon’s whole world coverage and economical delivery options. If you are looking to purchase multiple copies please contact Graymo for details. If you would like to see more articles in print, please let us know.

The Bourbaki Panorama.

September 2021:  Inspired by the Swiss humanitarian Henry Dunant, the Bourbaki Panorama depicts the care given to the men of a defeated army and highlights the role of the Red Cross in future conflicts.

The role of the Swiss at Malplaquet 1709

June 2021. The Battle of Malplaquet was a major and bloody battle in the War of Spanish Sucession. The battle is notable that Swiss mercenaries were fighting on both sides. As some visitors to this site may know, Arthur Barbera maintained a small museum in Bavay devoted to the battle. Following his death in 2012, his estate have given permission for us to reproduce his article “L’Affaire des Suisse  à Maplaquet” which is now hard to obtain. The original article, in swiss french, may be downloaded for study. The work is also presented in english. Translation from french to english was done by Google translate and so may contain some curious idioms and not reflect Arthur’s style.

Panorama updates.

June 2021 As this site approaches its 20th anniversary, readers may have noticed that some of the panoramas are showning their age and refused to play.  Flash is now officially dead and even Internet Explorer is scheduled to be reired from Windows 11.  Now we are in the age of fibre optic communications Dr Bob has taken advantage of lockdown to update some of the older panoramas using the latest technologies. See the update to the panoramas here. Others will be added when completed.

The Battlefields of Aspern/Essling, Deutsch Wagram and Znaim

March 2021: The more well known battlefields such as Waterloo, Gettysburg, Borodino and even the 52 BC site of Alesia in France where Caesar defeated the Gallic chieftain Vercingetorix, have been preserved in reasonably good condition enabling the tourist and historian to obtain some idea of what these sites looked like at the time of these engagements. Unfortunately, with the exception of Znaim (now Znojmo, Czech Republic), the battlefields of Aspern/Essling and Deutsch Wagram (1809) in Austria are almost unrecognizable today. The city of Vienna has slowly crept across the Danube River covering everything in tarmac, brick, steel and concrete. Only certain areas of the Wagram site remain where the visitor can still obtain some notion of how vast this Napoleonic battle was, involving over 300,000 troops and 1,000 cannon. The sad thing about these famous fields of conflict is that, allowing for one or two museums commemorating these battles situated around the site, there is not even a public viewing platform, or a few acers set aside as a battlefield park, to give the visitor any idea of what occurred across this now rapidly disappearing landscape.

Battle Scenes depicted in moving pictures before C.G.I.

November 2020: When moving pictures became a popular form of entertainment for the masses it was obvious that, besides using this new media to show many aspects of day to day life and vistas thus far unobtainable to all but a small percentage of the worlds population, it would not take a great leap in the minds of the pioneers of cinematography to push the bounds of this new art form into other aspects of culture.

The Struggle for the Sweipwald Wood: Battle of Königgrätz, July 3rd 1866.

 March 2020: The following account of the fighting that took place in and around the Sweipwald Wood (now the Svib Wood) is taken from the official Department of Military History of the Prussian General Staff of the Campaign of 1866. Translated into English by Colonel von Wright and Captain Henry M.Hozier (Reprint 1907).

Observations on the Battle of Blenheim

March 2020: I met “Chuck” Parsons and his wife whilst conducting a group at Arthur Barbera’s 300th Anniversary of the battle of Malplaquet weekend in 2009.

Chuck has approached the battle of Blenheim from a different perspective and I think you will agree that, although only speculation on his part,  it is well worth further investigation.

Battle of Austerlitz

September 2019: Austerlitz is one of the most famous battles in history. 1805-1806 were the high watermark of the French army, which had been forged in the fires of Revolution and tempered and honed into a fine fighting machine that fitted Napoleon’s rise to power perfectly. Thereafter a slow but steady decline in veterans, both officers and men, caused its once sharp cutting edge to become blunt and rusted as skilled and well trained troops, able to carry out rapid changes of formation and tactics during an engagement, gave way to massed columns of conscripts used as human battering rams. Austerlitz was indeed Napoleon’s greatest victory.

Updated Panorama from Caer Caradoc

May 2018:  On an excellent clear day in May, Graham and Dr Bob revisited Caer Caradoc to redo the panorama from the top of the hill fort, a possible site for Caradoc’s last stand against the Romans. As well as a stunning view, the new panorama shows the hill fort in detail. If you have not read the original article on this site please do.

Buried in the Snow: The Myth of Murat’s Cavalry Charge at the Battle of Eylau, 8th February 1807.

April 2018:  An update to my original article on the Battle of Eylau.

Battle Of Dennewitz

March 2018: As with a few other articles on this site I have not gone into any great detail concerning the actual progress of the battle. The battle, together with information dealing with formations, main commander character sketches, troop deployment and movements, are dealt with on numerous other websites as well as in the mass of Napoleonic literature which has been pouring from the publishing houses over the last few years. Here you will only find my own brief outline of events together with a few speculative suggestions I have thrown in concerning Ney’s conduct during the campaign and battle.

Dr Bob and I visited the battlefield in 2017 and herewith are his, as usual; wonderful panoramas covering the whole site so that the Napoleonic enthusiast and war- gamer can visit the site and view all the main elements of the terrain.

Swiss Military Publications.

There are two recent publications that will be of interest to the military enthusiast regarding the Swiss in Foreign Service and Napoleon in Switzerland.

The Musée Militaire Vaudois, Le Château de Morge, have published a book dealing with Swiss soldiers in Dutch service and entitled: De Nimègue à Java: les soldats Suisse au service de la Holland XVIIe – XXe siècles. The work is in French, but even those who struggle with a foreign language (like myself) will still find the work of great interest. The book is not cheap, costing, in sterling, around £50, but considering its detail, still worth every penny.

The book contains a wealth of information concerning formations, uniforms, weapons and leaders, as well a uniform plates and campaign maps. Also included, as part of the section dealing with The War of Spanish Succession, is the work of the late Arthur Barbera: L’affaire des Suisses á Malplaquet   (The Affaire of the Swiss at Malplaquet). 

I had the pleasure of being in Arthur’s company on several occasions, unfortunately the last being when he organised events for the 300th Anniversary of the battle of Malplaquet in 2009, which proved his wonderful swansong just before his demise. I hope to be able to have Arthur’s monograph translated sometime in 2018 and thereafter placed on this site.

For those interested in Napoleonic history a new book has just been published entitled, Sur les pas des Bonaparte en Suisse, by Gérard Miège. Editions Cabédita, 128 pages, 29 FS. (about £18) I have only seen the newspaper review which states that the work deals with Napoleon’s passage through Switzerland in 1797 and in 1800. When more information is available I will publish details on site.

 The von Blumenthal Family at Gravelotte

September 2017: During our visit to Gravelotte/St Prival, we were accompanied by Henry von Blumenthal. This article gives brief biographies of members of his family who were some of the commanders on the battlefiled.

The Battles of Mars-La-Tour and Gravelotte/StPrivat
Postcards commemorating the battle.

September 2017: The battles of August 1870 between France and Germany at the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, were to show glaring problems in the command structure of both sides. Sadly for the French their top brass proved more incompetent than the German, allowing the latter to be victorious on numerous occasions where they should have been decisively defeated.

General Baron Nicholas–Philippe Guye.

January 2017: Having spent almost three decades researching details on General Guye I am now convinced that my Swiss partner is related, albeit indirectly owing to the general himself being without issue, to the Guye family.

The Battle of Kolin

June 2014: This article gives a brief overview of the Battle of Kolin. It sets the scene for the reader to have a general understanding of the events that occurred on the now peaceful meadows and pastures of this quite part of the Czech landscape. The source material given in the text offers a fuller description of the battle, and should be consulted by those who wish to study it in more depth. The main object herewith is to convey the outline of events so that they may be used in conjunction with Dr Bob’s splendid panorama photographs and allow the armchair general to visit the site from the comfort of his own home.

1866 Campaign

2016 marks the 150th anniversary of the Austro – Prussian War.  Many of the sites where engagements were fought in the Czech Republic will be putting on special re-enactments of the battles, together with weapon and uniform displays. Contact the various local Czech town Tourist Offices for further details.

Visit the places mentioned on this site and follow the campaign that marked the slow decline of the Austrian Empire and the rise of Prussian/German unification.


January 2016: We now have 8 articles covering the dramatic events in 1866 Bohemia. These have been arranged as sub-articles on a page devoted to the entire campaign. Do not be deceived by the words ‘sub-article’. These pages in themselves are enough to fill several volumes. We hope you will take the time to enjoy the articles.

The Battle of Laon

October 2015: I have drawn heavily on the descriptions of the battle of Laon given in Petre, Lawford, Maycock and Chandler. It is my hope that the reader will search out other sources appertaining to the battle which, although now considered to have been covered in some depth, still has some very interesting features and episodes that are in need more research.

Dr Bob’s panoramas will be, as usual, of much benefit in following the course of events and will also allow those who may not be able to visit the site themselves a dramatic view of the battlefield from elevated positions all around the old walls of this lovely city.

Königgrätz Revisited

May 2015: The largest and most one–sided battle of the nineteenth century?  Well, the first part of the statement is correct. There were more troops on the field of Königgrätz than any other battle, prior to it or after it until the battle of Mukden (20th February–10th March 1905). Even the greatest battle of the century thus far, Leipzig in 1813, also known as the Battle of Nations, in which, on the final day of the battle the troops on both sides numbered, after losses sustained during the previous days fighting, some 420,000 men engaged, still fell short of the 430,000 plus who stood on the field of Königgrätz. This monograph is also available as a fully illustrated book.
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.


June 2013: Napoleon’s campaign of France in 1814 ranks among his finest. His resources were almost near breaking point but somehow the young French recruits managed to pull their emperors chestnuts out of the fire time and again. Their sacrifice for a lost cause should not detract us from remembering their bravery, courage and endurance.


June 2012: Like the “curates egg” my description of the Battle of Kulm may be seen by many as being “good in parts.” This notwithstanding, I hope that even if much of what I consider to be a better account of the battle than any other thus far published in English proves to be inaccurate, at least it may be said that it did stir up enough interest in the battle for further research – in itself not a bad thing.


March 2012: After many requests, I have produced a copy of Lieutenant – Colonel Neill Malcolm’s work was “BOHEMIA 1866”. This is available through Lulu for £6-50 and has been fully retyped and includes copies of all the original maps. The book gives much valuable information regarding the campaign and battles of the Austro-Prussian War of 1866.


December 2010: Some observations concerning photographs and drawings used in depicting battle scenes.

Swiss Tactics

June 2010: The fighting qualities that made the Swiss one of the most feared and respected military powers in Europe had been nurtured over many centuries.

Outdoor War Games

October 2009: Just for you good folk who have contacted me concerning military history and war gaming – I have indeed played many war games, but not necessarily ones along conventional lines.

More About Eylau

June 2009: Further information about The Battle of Eylau.


March 2009: The full text or ‘Waterloo’ by The Late Captain J.W.E. Donaldson R.A.F., P.S.C. and Captain A.F. Becke, Late R.A.F. Reprints available from Graham.


Jan 2009: Updated with a brief review of ‘The Fall of the Roman Empire’ by Arthur Ferrill.


Jan 2009: The third of Marlborough’s victories, which highlighted the French disunity within their command structure.


October 2007: After a long preview, the battle of Solferino, where Napoleon III attempted to follow in the footsteps of his uncle is now ‘official’ (and with three panoramas!).


May 2006: Graymo and DrBob visited the site of the Battle Of Neerwinden near Brussels. Together they have recreated a virtual tour of the battle site, including interactive panoramas and aerial imagery courtesy of Google Maps.


May 2006: Grant, Sherman, Thomas and Sheridan: A brief review of their contribution and talents during the Battle of Chattanooga, 23rd-25th November 1863.


March 2006: The Battle of Poltava, 28th June 1709

Discussion forum

Jan 2006: Guestbook working again. This time using PhpBB – enjoy the new year! Please take time to register. Your email address is not shown on the web site but other registered users can send you email and you will be notified of any changes to the site.


September 2005: Updated section containing details about a new exploration at Caerwsws.


August 2005: An example of how the French high command managed to turn a potential victory into a defeat.


April 2005: Helmuth von Moltke, one of the great commanders of History.

Port Arthur

February 2005: The 100th anniversary of the Russo/Japanese war in 1904/1905.


October 2004: The Duke of Cumberland’s failure as military commander.

US Cavalry

July 2004: The Lessons of the American Civil War and European Cavalry Tactics


May 2004: The Battle of Ligny, 1815.


April 2004: Julius Caesar, a brief outline of his military capabilities.

2 BoerWar

March 2004: The unprepared condition of the British Army for a modern war at the end of the nineteenth century.


Jan 2004: Napoleon’s overblown campaign in Russia, or the little man not being able to reach the top self.


Nov 2003: The last Confederate invasion of the North – 1863.


Jan 2003: The Seven Week War between Prussia and Austria – 1866.


July 2002: Marlborough’s last and bloodiest victory – 1709.


Sept 2003: Napoleon’s Campaign in Poland – 1807.

Caradoc and the Romans

Dec 2000: My own views of where Caradoc fought his last battle against the Romans.


Jan 2002: The French cavalry charge from a different perspective – 1807.


Feb 2001: Marshal de Saxe’s victory – 1745.

If you have enjoyed this site, you may also enjoy Museum of Military History in Vienna and John’s Military History Pages.

I would like to thank the many enthusiasts who have helped with this site including:

  •  Albion Swords Ltd. for their permission to use the helmet in the Caradoc article;
  • Jon Townsend for the photograph of the tricorn hats Fontenoy article;
  • The folks at Garden Gnome Software who produce great software for creating virtual tours.


Graham J. Morris

25 Mar 2015

22 thoughts on “Battlefield Anomalies – Home”

  1. Hi Graham
    wonderful site! I teach history and write for a number of American history publications. Now doing Laufeldt– and have come up with a problem– the Comte de Rochambeau of American Revolution fame was wounded twice in that battle– he was colonel of the Regiment de la Marche, yet there is NO reference to that Regiment at Laufeldt–yet there is a passing mention of him with the Auvergne Regiment, cheering them on”–and evenyour map shows the Auvegne were there-at Laufeldt–I am writing an article– any thoughts on this?-

    1. Thank you for your kind remarks regarding this site Eric, much appreciated.
      Rochambeau was very young at Laufeldt and was wounded while leading a battalion of the La Marche Regiment during the first attack. He could not have cheered on the Auvergne Regiment as they were in reserve and never actually saw action.
      I have more details on troop formations which I will forward later.
      Best wishes and good luck with your article.

  2. Hello Graham,

    Love your site! I used your site to prepare for my visits to Koniggratz and Austerlitz a few years ago.

    After nearly 30 years of exploring battlefields all over the world, I have finally started gathering all my notes, photos, maps, letters, social media posts, documents etc in one place.

    My new website is and is a travel blog focused on battlefields and a virtual museum. Eventually there will be hundreds of battlefield studies on there as I work my way through.

    Given that our audiences will overlap, I thought it would be useful to post links to each other’s websites as ‘further reading’ or ‘recommended websites’.

    Let me know what you think,


    1. Greetings from a rather hot and humid Worcestershire Mick.
      I like your website as it covers other world battlefield sites besides Europe.
      My friend and battlefield rambler Dr Robert Series is in charge of organizing all the various contact details on Battlefieldanomalies, and I am sure he will fix up a link between our sites so that we can share details.
      Keep up the good work, eyes and boots are the only way to appreciate a campaign and a battlefield.
      Best Regards,

  3. Dear Graham,
    If you need to investigate more deeply on general Nicolas Philippe GUYE , Napoleon’s officer, I can give some keys.
    I’m not descendant of Nicolas Philippe but from one of his brothers.
    Nicolas had one son , Pierre Adolphe Janey-Guye , from extra conjugal relation , dead 23 years old , not married , and two girls Hermine and Clélie born 1816.12.30 and 1819.01.31 at Saint Dié .

    1. Thank you for your communication concerning General Baron Guye Francois.

      I would be very pleased to receive any information you may have in regard to the General, in particular the descendants on his brother side. As I have stated in my short article on this site, the Guye family name seems to be particularly prevalent in the Jura area, any information you may have regarding the Generals parents would also be helpful.

      Very best regards,

      Graham J. Morris (battlfieldanomalies)

  4. Sir,

    I really enjoy your website, and I have a question concerning your Battlefield Tours. What program or app did you use to create those? I work at a battlefield of the American War of Independence and want to make a virtual tour of sites related to our campaign, and the way you have created yours is exactly the format I would like to use. (I am especially impressed on how you spliced in the historic painting for your Gravelotte tour).

    I think it is a great way to give people the opportunity to tour battle sites that they may never get to see in person. Any info on how you made your tours would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    1. Hi Jason
      Glad you like the site. I’m using Autopano to stitch the software. It’s no longer available, but either PTGui or Hugin (free) should do a good job. I then use Pano2vr to build the tours and add the map overlays. Pano2vr is well supported and has very good documentation on the website. This page is reasonably up to date and authorative list of other resources :

      Feel free to email me on

  5. Hey Sir/Madam

    Good Morning

    Hope that you are fine over there.

    It is immense pleasure to introduce you ourselves as we are one of the Leading Manufacturers and Exporter of all kind of Hand Embroidery Badges & Insignia, German ww 1&2 uniform Accessories, Military items Caps & Uniform, Caps & shoulder Epaulettes Cord, Navy Rank, Chevrons, Lanyards, Insignia general 2 ETOILE, Royal Air force Navy, Club Police, College, Army, Metal Badges, Canadian Badges Embroidery & PVC Patches & Flags, Banners ETC in our markets.

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  6. Dear Mr. Morris,
    By way of introduction, my name is Bill Darley. I am managing editor of Military Review, and official journal of the U.S. Army. The purpose of this note is to request permission to use the map you have posted showing the convergence of forces on Koniggratz. The map would be used to help illustrate an article about the evolution and development of operational warfare. Thanks for considering.

  7. Hello Graham
    I’m a friend of Rob Series and have had a long interest in the campaigns of Moltke the elder as well as many other aspects of Military History. I noticed that the order of battle for the Prussians at Konigratz omits the 8th Division of the leaderless IV Corps – I could supply details if you wish.
    PS I think we met once at Rob’s house in Court Road.

    1. Hi Fraser!
      Horn’s 8th Division I placed with First Army’s main group, Fransecky’s 7th Division coming in on its own further on the left.
      Most of the sources deal with the Prussian First Army at divisional level during the battle. I followed this line so, please forgive any oversight on my part.
      Rob Series and I go to the Nags Head, Link Top, Malvern every Sunday lunch time. If you feel like joining us for a few jars you will be most welcome.

  8. hello my name is Richard Krotec I wanted to know if there is a
    book on the Austrian army of 1866 I was looking for a large
    format hardback book that has a lot of photos and art work
    as well as text can you tell me if there is such a book in English
    I have always wanted a sort of photo history book on the Austrian army of 1866 please let me know what is avalible thanks Richard

    1. Dear Richard,
      Thank you for visiting Battlefield Anomalies!
      We are in the midst of our Bank Holiday at the moment. I will send you details of several (but expensive!) books dealing with the Austrian army of 1866 next week. I have a good collection of paintings and pictures myself, I will send them over as well.

      Best wishes,
      Graham J.Morris

      1. Hi Graham its Richard again thanks for that info i look
        forward to hearing from you about your books on the austrian army expensive books should not be a problem as
        i bought books for between $40 -$120 each so if its somewhere in between those ranges that would be fine Richard

        1. Dear Richard, herewith a few books and contacts regarding Austrian army of 1866.
          1. The Austrian Army in the Campaign of 1866,: Organisation, uniforms and Tactics by Stuart Sutherland and Duncan Rogers. Helion & Co. Amazon UK state that it is out of stock at the moment. I have tried to find it for sale elsewhere but to no avail, maybe Stateside?
          2. For a small format but complete set of uniform prints go to:, Uniformes de la l’armee Austriche1866, Gallica.
          3.Ottenfeld’s, Austrian Army 1840 – 1866 prints can be found on Amazon: ISBN – 13: 9781935344070.
          4. Richard Knotel: Armies of the Austro- Prussian War 1866. Download available at
          5. My main contact was with the Herresgeschichtlichen Muiseum in Vienna. I would send them an email via their website and contact information. They have extensive data on all aspect of the Austrian military and navy.
          Finally, if you contact me on: – – I will be only too happy to send you what I have regarding Order of Battle and tactical details concerning the campaign of 1866.
          Hope some of the above will be of help?

          Best Regards,
          Graham (

      2. hi Graham its Richard Krotec again sense tomorrow
        is wedsday i wanted to know if your holiday is over yet
        as i first emailed you 4 days ago i was just wanting to know
        if you have a list of your expensive books i would
        defenitly be interested take care and have a great day Richard

        1. Dear Richard,
          There seems to be a gremlin at work. I posted some details of various books and contacts on site only a few moments ago but nothing has been recorded. I think it best if you send me an email at: – – thereafter I will send you the information you require and some attachments.
          Best regards,

  9. There seems to be some problem with “factual” details dealing with the battle of Ligny (16th June, 1815).

    I have received emails from residents who live on, or near, the battlefield who have informed me that the “Mill of Bussy” was, 1- in fact a water mill (?), not a windmill;2. That it was not built when the battle took place, and 3. If there was indeed a mill where are the foundations?
    Please contact this site if you have any input on this matter.

    Graham J.Morris

  10. Dear Graham,

    with huge interest I have read your articles.
    In the Moltke-article I have found a quotation of “Geschäftsordnung für den Grossen Generalstab”.
    Can you tell me, where you get this book from?

    Best regards,

    1. Dear Lukas,
      Thank you for visiting Battlefield Anomalies and your kind comments regarding the site.

      The German book you mention was not in the public domain at the time of my writing the article on Moltke. I have since been informed that it is now obtainable but only in German from select bookshops. I would search Google for the main outlets in Berlin, plus the Berlin archive service at the military museum in Potsdam.

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